Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Decided to admit defeat,going to lock this off now i just dont get the time to camp any more,just the once a year week in Norfolk.


Sunday, 1 July 2012

Been thinking for a while the dandy awning is great and i wouldn't like to not have it but need some thing lighter for just a few nights,bought this while away and hope to get it fitted in the next few weeks.
This is a nice video put together by Helen from the dandycampers forum showing a few different dandy models

Just returned from 10 days in Norfolk,had a smashing time even the weather surprised us,the sites and the boating scene are very quiet perhaps due to the economy.
This site we have used before its very good  Susan the owner really looks after you Camp site  and makes your stay enjoyable my report on the site can be found at report on the dandycampers forum.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Some of the dandys at our birthday meet

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

A special day today its one year since with a small group of friends we started the dandycampers forum,in that short time we have gained over 325 members,last weekend we had our first annual birthday bash at woodhall spa,lovely site made all the better by being joined by old friends and hope fully some new ones that will be old friends next year.

Sure ime right in saying this is the first meet we have been lucky enough to be joined by children,its great when part of there growing up includes camping,just a few pictures of the event,please remember we welcome all current past and future dandy owners,whilst we like being surrounded by dandys its the enjoyment of them them thats most important,so if your looking for a dandy or had to sell yours as it became too much to handle why not have a look at our forum and consider joining us.